Smart Forestry

Overview Of The Plan

Yuwei Optics has injected strong technological power into forestry surveying and mapping applications through the deep integration of self-developed LiDAR and hyperspectral technology. Our system is capable of achieving high precision in forest areas. Efficient 3D scanning enables precise collection and analysis of key data such as forest distribution, crown height, and crown area. The application of this plan not only realizes the digital and clean map drawing of forest areas, real-time monitoring of forest growth status, but also provides diversified functions such as forest stand structure analysis, disease and pest warning, and forest health assessment.

Application Scenarios

Paired with different hardware and software products, it can detect and measure multiple scenarios

  • 林业生产长状况评估


  • 林业防火监测


  • 林业病虫害监测


  • 林业树木资源调查


  • 林业碳汇评估


Scheme Architecture

Advantages Of The Plan

  • Ultra long range design

    Easily handle high drop terrain data processing and improve operational efficiency
  • Ultra high point frequency design

    2 million points per second ultra-high frequency design, making data results more refined
  • Supports multiple echoes

    It can penetrate the gaps between surface vegetation and provide feedback on the true terrain distribution.
  • Lightweight integrated design

    Longer battery life - the overall operation process is simple and convenient for efficient data collection

Company Instance

  • 林业资源统计及动态监测

  • 某林业局经济林资源调查