Digitalization of power grid inspection

Overview Of The Plan

The development direction of ports is comprehensive automation and risk reduction capabilities, reducing human intervention and labor expenses; The identification, detection, measurement, and collision prevention of key equipment such as port cargo, cranes, lifting arms, and containers require comprehensive support from various sensors. For the application needs of ports, Yuwei Optics can provide various standard and customized solutions. The development direction of ports is comprehensive automation and risk reduction capabilities, reducing human intervention and labor expenses; Yuwei Optics can provide various standard and customized solutions for port cargo, cranes, lifting arms, and demand.

Application Scenarios

Paired with different hardware and software products, it can detect and measure multiple scenarios

  • 电网精细化巡检


  • 变电站三维重建


  • 电力线树障高效巡检


  • 电力线走廊三维重建


Scheme Architecture

Advantages Of The Plan

  • Clear modeling

    In the same scene, oblique photography cannot model power lines, while LiDAR can clearly model power lines
  • Stronger performance

    Faced with complex terrains such as large drops, there is no need to simulate ground flight and can be directly detected, greatly improving detection efficiency
  • Lightweight integrated design

    Having multiple independently developed technology platforms, it can provide customized services for different application scenarios
  • Localization, independent and controllable

    Through reasonable system integration, lightweight design, integrated layout, efficient heat dissipation, and intelligent control, it can adapt to various unmanned aerial vehicles such as DJI

Company Instance

  • 特高压线运维管理典型案例

  • 电力通道精细化巡检典型案例