Geographic information surveying and mapping

Overview Of The Plan

By using technologies such as remote sensing, LiDAR, and aerial photography, basic geographic information is provided for the development of the national economy and society, as well as for various departments and professional surveying and mapping of the country. Basic surveying and mapping is widely used in infrastructure construction, agriculture and land management, environmental protection and resource management, construction and real estate, and other fields. Basic surveying and mapping is one of the fundamental tasks of national development, and it is of great significance for improving the level of national economic and social development and ensuring national security.

Application Scenarios

Paired with different hardware and software products, it can detect and measure multiple scenarios

  • 土方测量

    工程施工前的设计阶段必须对土石方量进行预算 , 它直接关系到工程的费用概算及方案选优,采用机载激光雷达测量系统,可以对土方精准测量。

  • 地形图测量


  • 地籍测量


  • 堆体测量


Scheme Architecture

Advantages Of The Plan

  • 高效率

  • 强穿透

  • 多平台

  • 国产化自主可控


Company Instance

  • 地形图测量实例